Sunday, July 22, 2007

Autobots! Roll Out!

So I had nothing to do this afternoon and therefore decided to finally check out Transformers. I'm not going to right a review for this, it's a fuckin summer blockbuster, lots of pretty images and lots of bad storyline. It did however awaken that hard robotic spot in my heart where transformers used to live. but instead of feeling like I should go out and buy the toys again I some how feel the urge to buy a General Motors car and some Burger King. I just wish I could make that reh reh reh noise.

In other news there is no news I've spent the weekend recouping from sickness and can't wait to get back in the swing of things. I did see Bear Grylls skin a rotting mountain deer and use its skin as a shelter while keeping warm with hot canteen full of urine, that was nice.

Like Bear says: "it can be disorientating"



asyousuf said...

REH REH! and bear is a FAKe!

testing said...


My heart is broken