Thursday, October 4, 2007

It's Been A While

Yeah so I've been neglecting my blog for a little while and I'm sorry.

A lot of shit has been going on.

1. Got a fucking iPhone: it's the best $400.00 I have spent in a long time.
2. Patti and Daryl got hitched: This is the most recent, I spent the weekend in Oakland (the Pelinsina) for their wedding events. The wedding itself was in Treasure Island and beautiful. Congratulations!! On the way we saw a man driving on the freeway wearing leather cuffs and bondage chains without a t-shirt, it was hot!
3. Halo 3: It's consumed my gaming life, I sat in line to get the Legendary Edition. when I leave for work I wish I was at home to spend time with it.
4. Work: by day: same old shit
5. Work: by night: I redesigned and it's almost finished so that should be up soon
6. the 49ers: the announcer during the Seahawks game said it perfectly "the 49ers can't execute anything". It makes me sad in the pants :(

That's about it, There are a shitload of pics I have upload to flickr, I'll do that tonight.

West Space Bitches!


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